Today is truly filled with action, intrigue, and hot gossip! Aaaaand horrible punishments from Yahweh.
Read MoreIt's action time! (ok, maybe just a little bit) Some things happen, camps are moved, leaders are named, clouds... happen?
Read MoreWe don’t want to spoil it be prepare yourself to learn this particular bit of information VERY WELL.
Read MoreToday we learn some instructions that sound a lot like witchcraft for priests to determine if women were cheating on their husbands. It mostly involves dirty water. We also learn a little about the Nazirites and some of the rules involved in taking that oath.
Read MoreAaron takes an entire tribe into service and Yahweh gives them tasks for transporting and protecting everyone from the Tabernacle.
Read MoreToday we start on the book of Numbers! Will there be many numbers in it? Oh yes, there will. Don't you even worry about that.
Read MoreThis is it, everybody! We're finishing Leviticus today! Yahweh has some final commands for his people...
Read MoreYahweh chats it up with Moses again. Cupcakes…you’ll get it once you read about it. Then we move on to some juicy gossip. We get into a very interesting story that ends in a brutal punishment. We also hear that famous statement an “eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”. Listen up farmers, ya gotta take a break in planting your fields so they don’t go barren on you. Also we learn about this super confusing thing called the 50th year Jubilee. Sounds fun…but really it’s just a lot of math and logistics. Oh and also don’t enslave your own people. Enslave other people. Yup, it's in the bible folks.
Read MoreAnother big drinking episode, maybe take baby sips during this one friends. Here we have another confusing reading from Leviticus. The translation of these chapters are rough to say the least. Yahweh gives some more laws to Moses that don’t make a whole lot sense with today's judicial atmosphere. Things like offerings must be male without blemish (blind, broken limbs, maimmed, scurvy, scabbed, wen). Don’t kill baby animals, wait until they grow up a bit. We learn about the Sabbath on the 7th day and also passover. Don’t eat the first of your harvests until you’ve made and offering to Yaweh. The weirdness continues, you'll just have to listen to this one to get it all.
Read MoreSome more random laws coming at ya in these chapters! Some examples - Don't gather fruit that's already dropped from the tree leave them alone for starving people, don't eat meat with blood in it, dont practice sorcery, don't pimp out your daughter, etc. Lots of pretty confusing laws and equally harsh punishments in this one as well. This reading closes with some rules for priests. Also...get ready to drink....a lot!
Read MoreFirst we deal with a little bit of a "I need my own space" kind of situation between Moses and Aaron. Lots of "do not come into my room" type rules. Then we get to hear about eating blood. Yum! Finally, let's talk about sexy bay-beeee! Get ready for a list of sexual relations you are NOT supposed to take part in.
Read MoreAre you ready to hear about Leprosy cleansing, mold cleansing and the wonderful world of bodily discharge that makes people unclean? Well ready or not, here it comes. Fair warning for those with sensitive stomachs because it is going to get descriptive. Lastly, we close out the chapter with semen. Really a very well rounded reading....and by well rounded we just mean that we said discharge a ridiculous amount of times.
Read MoreWhat the hoof is going on here? We are about to cover clean vs unclean animals to eat. Such strong and powerful words against god's great creatures. Specifically, any kind of Raven is a complete abomination! Then we move on to fountains of blood with childbirth, graphically described skin diseases and then we close it down in a big way with defiling mold. Say what?!
Read MoreMoses ornates Aaron and his sons. We get some visuals of Moses getting them all fancy as Yaweh commanded. Don't worry it gets weirder. Blood is about to get spread all over the place, so awkward stacking of things and then wave all that around as an offering at the end of which Aaron and his sons had to chill for 7 days (and they did). Then we are blessed with some more really graphic offerings, crazy fire death along with a few opportunities to drink.
Read MoreAlright sinners, this one is for you. Your dirty little secrets are not safe from judgement, you know the ones we're talking about. But what if you don't know that you are sinning? Oh don't worry, there are procedures for you as well my friend! Before you shout shenanigans about this particular's kind of like when you break a law you didn't know was a law, you are still responsible right? The "i didn't know" defense also doesn't fly with Yaweh. Lesson learned here: you're guilty if you break the biblical rules whether you know it or not and offerings must be made. We also cover more offering procedures and bring back the wave and heave offerings.
Read MoreHooray! It's Levitivcus time. That also means a new theme song that we are super excited about! First up on the docket, we are covering burnt, grain, fellowship and sin offering procedures. At first, this may sound kinds boring, but yet again, the bible gives us some super interesting instructions and visuals. Can you smell what the bible is cooking? We have a hard time stomaching some of this odorific manificence! This is an episode that will make you hungry and sick to your stomach all at the same time.
Read MoreWe've made it to the end of Exodus! Finally!!! Oops, we mean huzzah! To end this fairly long repetative book of the bible, we start by recapping the garments that Aaron is going to wear. In the final chapter, we get the exact instructions on how to put all these pieces together. Moses appears to be the only one constructing this bad boy, but he does seem to have that certain glow, so it makes sense. And there you have it, Exodus is over and we head on to the next Book - Leviticus.
Read MoreHere we go again....more instructions on how to build things. It's like bible study purgatory! We try to figure out what's the significance of giving these instructions multiple times. This time though, it seems the instructions are actually being put to good use and the structures are being created. The use of acacia wood is pretty strong here. Can we say that this is the wood of choice for biblical time architecture? Lastly, we end with a little bit of biblical accounting.
Read MoreSo no one gets to see God's face, not even Moses without being destroyed? Epic! God also calls Moses out on breaking the first tablets that were made on Mount Sinai and makes a second set. We kind of get the impression that God is kind of acting like a single parent in which he plays multiple parenting roles for his children on earth. Whoa, deep! Also, for the record, this part of the Bible seems like total Déjà vu Groundhog day style. We've definitely heard a lot of this before but it clearly bares repeating since it's in the bible twice in Exodus.
Read MoreThis could quite possibly be the smelliest of chapters we've read thus far. Bring on the fancy incense alter blueprints, an ancient census and annointing oil! Kudos to the written word giving very precise and detailed instructions. Let's also not forget the Sabbath! We learn that we must observe it or die. No big deal! Near the end of this chapter we learn that Moses & Yaweh both have major anger issues. The 10 Commandment Tablets finally make their appearance, but they don't last long. Lasty, Aaron gives us an excuse that rivals "the dog ate my homework" for the reason why the golden calf idol was created. Just wow!
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